bare adj. 1.裸的,裸体的;无遮蔽的,赤裸裸的。 2.空的,空虚的,无…的 (of). 3.仅有的,极少的,勉勉强强的;单,徒。 4.无装饰的,朴质的;坦率的;煞风景的。 5.(织物)穿旧了的。 bare facts 赤裸裸的事实,明摆着的事实。 bare feet 赤脚。 bare hands 徒手,空手。 bare sword 出鞘的剑。 with one's bare head 不戴帽,光着头。 a bare and barren land 不毛之地。 a room bare of furniture 空无家具的屋子。 be bare of credit 缺乏信用。 a bare contract 【法律】无条件契约。 bare necessities of life 刚够维持生命的必需品。 bare possibility 仅有的(一点点)可能性[希望]。 a bare majority 勉勉强强的过半数。 at the bare thought [idea] 一想起…(就)。 bare cloth 稀布;方眼布。 bare livelihood 仅能糊口的生活。 bare navy 〔美俚〕(海军)光是罐头的食品。 believe (sth.) on sb.'bare word 光听某人的话就相信(某事)。 lay bare 露出,暴露,揭发,戳穿;表白,说出。 (escape) with bare life 仅留性命(逃脱),仅以身免。 vt. 1.剥去,剥发;拔出(剑等)。 2.敞开,露出,暴露。 bare one's head 脱帽。 bare one's heart [soul, thoughts] 剖白[表明]心意。 bare2 〔古语〕 bear 的过去式。
Lieutenant dove finished covering his bare legs with sand and groaned . 达夫海军上尉在赤条条的腿上敷好了一层沙子,叹了口气。
Lini's broad figure trotted forward unceasingly, her bare legs swinging high with each stride . 身躯高大的林妮不停飞奔向前,每跨一步,裸露的双腿都甩得高高的。
She even put cotton trousers on the legs of the piano because she thought bare legs were improper . 她甚至要给钢琴的腿穿上布裤子,因为她觉得钢琴光着腿是不成体统的。
A bare leg , perfectly tanned , is an equally great option 晒成小麦色的双腿也同样有不错的效果。
Just at that moment nana was getting out of bed , her bare legs in full view 这时,恰好娜娜光着腿从床上下来。
With bare legs , stork walk by lifting leg out of water with each step 赤双脚泡在水中,左右脚轮流提起离开水面。
Her long slender bare legs were delicate as a crane ' s and pure save where an emerald trail of seaweed had fashioned itself as a sign upon the flash 她那双细长的玉腿就像白鹤一样纤细洁白,只有一缕翠绿的海藻在皮肤上映出的影子。
Then other men and women with bare legs danced ; then again the king shouted something to music , and they all began singing 然后还有另外一些光着两腿的男人和女人跳舞,然后又有一位沙皇在音乐伴奏下呐喊着什么,于是大家又唱起歌来。
In short she was extremely silly , as she herself would admit when they both became jolly good fellows again and sat up smoking cigarettes on the edge of the bed , dangling their bare legs over it the while and tapping their heels against its wooden side 总之,正如她自己所承认的,她有点傻。当他们又成了伙伴时,便光着脚在床沿一边抽烟,一边用脚踵踢床板。
She was standing near the throne , singing something very mournful , addressed to the queen . but the king waved his hand sternly , and from the sides there came in men and women with bare legs who began dancing all together 她向皇后转过脸来,悲哀地唱着什么,但是沙皇严肃地挥了挥手,就有几个裸露着两腿的男人和裸露着两腿的女人从两旁走出,他们便一同跳起舞来。